Wednesday, January 20, 2010

updating bloggo, yup! epa epa! yip yip! woopeee! hooty hooo!

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bloggo will be updated soon.... faster than a racoon....slower than you can say cartoon.....before the next moon...before the spring desert bloom.....mos definitely before the desert monsoon....

Toward Justice!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Full Moon Week 1

Weekly Action Alert:
Check it out!. Walt put water in the desert for migrants. He got a littering ticket for it. The water was thrown away by the authorities. Walt was sentenced to 300 hours of trash pick up "community service". He is going up for re-sentencing on Friday because he did not do the "community service". This means he may get prison time for this. Everyone with Migrants, Walt y NMD!


Federal Courthouse (Congress and Granada)
Friday, December 4th, 12:30 – 3 pm (and until Walt’s hearing ends)
Bring gallon jugs of water for the No More Deaths desert work
(we will decorate and write messages on them at the rally)
“Streamline Trials” are at 1:30 – 3 pm every weekday (please attend)
Walt’s hearing is at 3 pm this Friday
The details: Each working day around 70 migrants who have been apprehended in the desert by the Border Patrol are brought to the United States District Court for processing. Since all of the migrants plead guilty, it takes less than 90 minutes to process the 70 of them, little over a minute per case! They are charged, arraigned, pressured to plead guilty (or face 6 months of lock-up “awaiting trial”), convicted, sentenced from time-served to up to 6 months in prison, and then deported. This process leaves all of them with a criminal record. The convicted (and ALL are ultimately convicted) face a possible 5 to 20 years in prison, if they are apprehended again in the U.S. while trying to reunite with their families or seeking (or returning) to work here.
Walt Staton was convicted of “knowingly littering” for leaving unopened gallon jugs of water on extremely isolated migrant trails north of the border. Asserting that HUMANITARIAN AID IS NEVER A CRIME, Walt will not complete the 300 hours of supervised trash pick-up to which he was sentenced on August 11. He invites all supporters of human rights to attend this rally and vigil.

Weekly Quote: Decia el Viejo Antonio que la lucha es como un circulo. Se puede empezar en cualquier punto, pero nunca termina. - EZLN

Weekly ThanksGiving:
It rained in Tucson. Finally. Some folks once told me: "Everyday without rain is another day closer to rain". Well it rained! I volunteer with this community transformation project that promotes grassroots organizing and sustainability in the Barrio and we got some winter crops in...and the crops are happier with rain. Give Thanks!

Weekly Musician: Mercedes Sosa!
Rest in POWER Mercedes! She has made her tranisition to the spirits. Look her up!

Weekly Song: Sun is Shining, by Bob Marley.
A great song about dancing, rainbows and sunshine. Check out the dancehall/electronica remixes on you tube

Weekly Author/Book: Almanac of the Dead, by Leslie Marmon Silko
If you live, lived or will live in must read this book. Reading it produces great creativity and dreams. The author grew up in one of the New Mexico Pueblos. She lives here in Tucson. This book predicts certain things that have actually happened. She is a wonderful writer! Give Thanks that the movement has someone like her!

Weekly Movie: Sleep Dealer-El Traficante de Los Suenos.
An incredible cyber punk sci-fi movie made in Mexico. Great writer and directors. Water wars, farming, borders, the matrix, migrant workers, journalism, love and private armies all mashed up. Great storyline of the cyberbraceros. This movie debuts the EMLA - Ejercito Maya de Liberacion De Agua. Watch it!

Weekly Journalist: Naomi Klein, writer of Shock Capitalism
This lady is where it's at. Investigative journalism at its best.

Weekly Children's Educational Tool: Baby Loves Hip-Hop: The Dino 5 Book on CD
This is excellent. 5 Dinosaurs rapper teachers. Prince Paul, the creative force behind De La Soul, Stetsasonic and Handsome Boy Modeling School produced this. It is an educational childrens hip hop cd. The kids will learn some good things. Starring: Ladybug, the Brazilian Woman from Digable Planets, Charlie 2na form Jurassic 5 and more....

Weekly Animal: Dog
El doggo, el perro...i call him that. Sometimes, i call him tonto too....all dogs are descendants of wolves....they all share the same instinctual culture. Anyway, they are great animals!

Weekly Resistance Movement Research Topic: FUNA
Desde Chile! Look them up. This is one of the greatest social movements that exists right now. They uncover hidden officials from the bloody US Sponsored Dictatorship in Chile that started September 11, 1971. Check out the four part video on them at you tube. Watch it all. If you do check it out, you will see the Legendary Victor Jara's daughter punching the military officer that tortured and killed her father in front of thousands of people. Abajo con Milton Friedman! Victor Jara Lives!

Weekly Research Topic: Convergent/Divergent Evolution
This is the weekly research topic. Check it out. A biologist friend was telling me about it. Its great. An example of this type of evolution is the Javelina/Wild Boar of the Americas. They are not pigs. In fact there was no pigs on the continent. So Earth made a pig like creature out of Deers. Because every ecosystem has the same patterns and it needed to fill the niche. Dope!

Weekly Participatory Activity: Look yourself up on the internet. Go it...Find your Tocay@s.
Weird..! i did it. It is called Tocayos. Tocayos is someone who has the same name as you. I apologize for those of you without commoner names. You may find old things about yourself on the net. Anyway, There is a guy with same name in San Diego that is an Ethnic Studies PHD., there was a pobrecito 19 year old Mexicanito that was shot dead recently in SouthEast Lost Angeles, a Colombian musician that sings for peace and more...

Weekly Artist: Melanie Cervantes, of Dignidad Rebelde.
From Nogales. Now, she stay up in Oakland, CA. Look her up ya'll. Connect to her list. Thank you to Melanie for always supporting on the ground grassroots organizing.

Weekly Funny Movie: Nacho Libre!
Go ahead laugh..yo. Its good to laugh. It was sitting there for a long time. Saw it carefully after a friend suggested it. Very Funny. "Save me a piece of that Carn!"

Weekly Fruit: La Guanabana

Funny Weekly youtube: Green Porno
So funny. This is Isabella Rossellini. The actress made popular by David Lynch's films. She is now hosting a TV series about the reproduction of insects and bugs. This may gross you out! The videos are about 2 mins. long. Here are two videos: Earthworm:



Weekly News youtube: Obama Promises more and takes less and less action.....he is owned by the world bankers.
Only 15 seconds long. It makes the point. If you vaguely remember Obama's promise to stop the illegal, immoral, pointless
and self destructive war in Iraq...You're not hallucinating. He said it, he pledged it, in most unequivocal terms. Nevermind the promises made to immigrants.

Well, he was right about one thing. He took it to the banks. That's the one thing he has done since he took office. A new front man for a corrupt system. Coke or Pepsi. Build power through organizing not voting.

Weekly News Articles: It is just news. But please look it up. Sharing news is why this bloggo exists. Their will be good news and bad news posted. It's all a cycle.
Take a read.

Mexican Wife and Husband Political Prisoners released after ten years and one week in prison. Now they say let's get them all out of prison.

CIA uses magicians for training:

Cops ambushed: There have been several incidents like this on the west coast this year. A black man in Oakland killed four cops in March. Last month another black man in the Northwest shot a cop while he was in his patrol car. This week a black man killed four cops just south of Seattle. He was killed on Wednesday by a cop. So far, eight of his friends and family members have been arrested for hiding him. Black folk got some kind of beef with the cops?

Antimining Organizer Murdered in Chiapas: He was protesting a Canadian Corporation's destruction of their land.

Oaxacan Pueblo shot up by government forces after they hosted a meeting with Atenco people. Four children shot, one dead.

Weekly Concise Rant:
My, I, Face, You...Where is the WE? What WE gonna do together? i forgot that WE (Wii) is now a video game...yuck. If you have a webpage or ipod, etc...this is not about you. i do too. These are just thoughts. i know that a lot of these things are really good for connecting to bizness and old friends. i''m down for you.
A friend told me last week that her friends asked her "How can she be so productive?" She replied: "Because, I don't have a facebook." i looked around and found out that Rupert Murdoch owns lots of these personal website tools, including newspapers and tabloids. So whatever is posted up belongs to him now. Do you know who Rupert Murdoch is? Is he an anti-immigrant, etc? Who owns the other sites? Does anyone know who owns blogger? Just trying to be aware.
Everything is I, MY, YOU, FACE. Use the internet. Don't get used by it.


Weekly Picture(s):
i saw this gordito at the Day of the Dead event in Downtown Tucson. He was dressed up as the Swine Flu! He was acting weird!
i saw him take a big fall on his bike in front of congress. he was riding behind the guy with the tall bike connected to a baby carriage. Anyway he took a huge fall. The fall warped his bici tires and probably left him scraped and bruised. It was a good event. In the crowd there was Migrant Rights signs, Justicia Para Las Mujeres De Juarez, Anti-war folks, Palestinians, people with cool art on their faces and Macho B supporters in costume. Viva Macho B! i had not seen so many messages before at the prior events.